How do I edit or remove an assignment?
Sadlier Connect assignments can be edited, reassigned or deleted depending on when they start, when they are due and if students have started working on them or submissions have been graded.
All assignments have the option to view the resource. Viewing a resource brings the user to the resource itself. |
Active Assignments can be edited. Editing an assignment allows a change of the due date/time or to add or remove students who have not started or submitted the assignment. |
Active Assignments with no submissions or that have not been started by a student can be edited or deleted. Deleting an assignment removes it permanently from the account. |
Past Due assignments that have yet to be graded can be reassigned. Reassigning allows you to assign the resource a second time to all or some of the students in the class. |
Past Due assignments that have grades, but still have some submissions that need to be graded can be edited or reassigned. |
Expired assignments with no submissions can be edited or deleted. If the assignment does have submissions or grades established, attempting to delete will result in a message that the assignment could not be deleted. |
Graded Assignments can be reassigned. | ||