Archdiocese of Chicago - Getting Started

Getting Started

Remember to check spam and junk mail folders!

You will find general access information for Admins and Proctors is on this page. Once you have logged in and changed your password you can move on to the specific guidance document for your role:

Proctor/Teacher Guide

Administrator Guide

Support Contact Information

Phone: 800.264.8060
Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST
(Monday - Friday)

Technology Needs

Schools should make sure the school technology group allows access to to ensure students can access the login.

All participating students need access to:

  • Reliable internet connection
    • If any questions containing audio, images, or animation do not load the media, have the student click the Save button and refresh the page.
  • Individual device access (laptop computer, desktop computer, iPad, Chromebook, or other PC devices) 

Phones cannot be used to complete the assessments.

Supported Tablets

Supported devices include iPad, iPad Mini, iPad Air, and Android-based tablets.  
iPadOS 13+ is required for all iPad types listed.

Supported Web Browsers

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari

Optional Hardware Requirements (highly recommended for Pre-K and 2nd grade)

Pre-K and 2nd grade includes audio for read-aloud instructions and questions. Some of the animations for these grade levels also include audio.

Soundcard, audio port, headphones, or speakers

Welcome Emails:

Welcome emails are sent to the email address associated with PowerSchool.
All Admins and Proctors will receive a welcome email. 
Student usernames are a combination of first and last name.
Passwords are the PowerSchool five digit identifier.  All users are expected to change their password upon initial log in. 
The email will come from the address and will contain:

  • The school's custom website address. 
    • Students use the same website address as the teacher or admin. You may want to bookmark the address and post where students can click the link to access the login screen. Google Classroom or your class website are two good options. In the Manage Classes screen, you will find a "Print Student Letters" option that creates a PDF file with each child's login details.
  • Your username 
  • Your password

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook calls the spam folder junk, and it is usually found listed on the left below other folders. Search for an email from and open it. At the top of the email, find the message stating, "This message was identified as junk..." and click on the "It's not junk" link.


Google Gmail uses the term spam for labeling the spam folder. Find the folder in the list on the left and click on it. If you do not see the spam folder but you see a link labeled more, click on it to expand the list. Search for an email from  If you find an email from Sadlier Connectâ„¢, open the message and click the button labeled "Report not spam."

Change Password

Once you log in, please change your password.


  • Click the account icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Select the "My Account" option.
  • The resulting screen provides you with your account information. Find the password entry field and enter your desired password in the field provided.
  • Click the Save button after you have entered your new password to save this information to your account.
  • The next time you log in to Sadlier Connectâ„¢, you will need to use your new password to access the system.

Proctor/Teacher Guide

Administrator Guide

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