How do I create a Lesson Plan?

Teachers will find the Lesson Plan widget on the left side of the dashboard. Currently, this feature is only available for Progress English Language Arts ©2022 grades 3-8. 

When you first access your class, you likely will not have a lesson plan set up yet. Click the "Create a lesson plan" link to get started.

You can also click the Lesson Planner tab to access the feature.

Click the pencil icon to edit the name of your Lesson Plan. 

Click the check icon to set the name.
Enter the date you will use the plan, the class intended to receive the lesson, class time, and duration the class meets.
The options in this section are dynamic. When you first go to the Lesson Planner, you will only see Program and Level. 

After selecting a Lesson, a list of all the printed materials related to the lesson will populate in the lower portion of the screen.

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