How do I add or import classes?

Sadlier Connect administrators can create a class individually or import a class file. You will need to set up teachers before completing the steps below. 

Teachers can manually add classes but cannot bulk import.

Manage Classes Page

  • Log in to Sadlier Connect using your teacher or administrator account. 
  • Click the settings icon on the screen's top-right corner.
  • Select Manage Classes.

Manually Create a Class

  • Click the Add Class button.
  • Select a teacher and enter a Class Name.
    • When logged in as a teacher, the teacher field is unavailable, and your account is the default teacher.
    • All other fields, Subject, Grade, and Class Code, are optional.
  • Click Add Students to Class (this will also save the Class).

Adding Students to a Class Manually

  • Check the box next to the students you want to add to the Class.
  • Click the Update Students in Class button.

If you are looking for one student or a few, it may be easier to use the filter to enter the student's last name.

Import Classes (Administrators Only)

  • In the Manage Classes screen, click Import Classes.

The template file is a   Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. A CSV is a plain text file with a list of data. Use Excel, Google Docs Spreadsheet, Numbers (mac application), or similar software to edit the CSV.

Creating the Class Import File

Most import file columns are required. Do not alter the columns' order or leave out information in a required column to avoid errors. The first two rows are example data.

Column Letter Column Label Description
A Action (Required) This required field accepts A and U as valid entries.
    Enter A to add a new class to the system.  
    Enter U to update an existing class already in the system. 
B Class Code (Optional) Some customers use Class Codes; however, the field is optional.
C Class Name (Required) The class needs to exist for the specified teacher in Column A.
D School PID (Optional - District Only) Leave this field blank.
E Teacher UserName (Required) The teacher's username needs to exist in Sadlier Connect before importing a class assigned to the teacher. If you need help adding a teacher, click here.
F Grade (Optional) This optional field accepts both options listed for each grade:
Grade K
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
G Subject (Optional) The acceptable values for this column are Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, and Other.

Saving the Class Import File

  • Please remember to remove the example rows before saving your Class Import File. 
  • Save your Class Import File by selecting  "File > Save As..."
  • On the File Format section of the Save As screen, set it to Comma Separated Values (.csv).

Sadlier Connect will only import Comma Separated Values (.csv) file formats. Please be sure to select the correct file format, Comma Separated Values (.csv), when saving your file. 

Uploading the Class Import File

  • Return to the Import Class page in Sadlier Connect.
  • Click the "Choose File" button and find the CSV file you created. 
  • Click the Continue button.

Sadlier Connect will check the import file for errors. The example below shows the teacher's username does not exist. If you receive an error on any rows, they will not import, and you should fix them in the file and upload the new saved CSV. 

When the file is error-free, click the Import Classes button.

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